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We Focus On People
Not Organizations.

We strongly believe in bringing people together around a common set of beliefs and values as opposed to a specific type of content or topic.

We support the genuine connection of our community that leads to their transformation and the development of a global movement dedicated to creating impact in the world.




Looking back

PHX emerged through its community and dedicated team. The Community has grown rapidly since, our diverse network has generously evolved, as have our ambitions to make a positive impact. We envision a world where the PHX approach extends far beyond its immediate community; a world where its people are encouraged to embrace the PHX principles and ethos in their unique perspectives around the world.

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Looking forward

We seek value-aligned catalysts to join us on our journey. Your commitment goes a long way; with your time and financial support, PHX will have the opportunity to host more gatherings annually, increase community-building efforts and open up our resources to a larger audience by sharing our experiences virtually (interviews, live sessions, webinars, etc.).

We welcome those who understand and support our ethos to accompany us on our mission. 

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 We facilitate connections
with individuals that you may not meet in real life:


A chief scientist of a global computing company’s quantum physics lab, a 3D printing whiz working on humanitarian efforts, a founding partner of a major VC firm, a journalist whose side-project now houses hundreds of asylum-seekers, a world record holding kitesurfer, a genomics scientist working on epigenetics, an advisor to the Dalai Lama, an author and historian re-writing playbooks for humanity, a former investor building experimental bioregenerative stations on earth, a climate investor working on creating a carbon-free future for the planet, a global CEO of the largest consumer electronics company, employing more than 320,000 people worldwide, a founder of a billion dollar startup, a pioneer in the decentralized technology space, an award winning filmmaker, a globally recognized expert in the effective altruism movement, a biohacking pioneer working on cybernetics, a DJ turned visual artist, an ESA astronaut who spent 204 days in space and who is currently building an educational kids foundation inspired on the Overview Effect. 

To name a few.


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PHX is a gathering of brilliant, innovative, creative and passionate souls who not only envision a bright and positive future, but are also the catalysts who are igniting and inspiring change.
— Ajay Ramachandran
There is no better way to step out of your tunnel vision and receive a true ‘view-shake’ on our world, our future, and ourselves that compares to what PHX allows you to experience
— Kellie Liket
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PHX is really something special, you will understand once you experience it
— Constantijn van Oranje
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